The service is aimed to:

  • our users that need material from other libraries in Croatia and abroad
  • users of other libraries that need material form the Library of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb

You need publications from our library?

Use our catalogue ( to check if we have the material that you need and contact us by email:, or by telephone: 00385 1 4092 281.

The service is charged according to the price list of the Library.

Cost of the service for foreign libraries:

  • loan of books and magazines: 1-3 IFLA vouchers
  • supply of articles and chapters: up to 50 pages 1 IFLA voucher

                                                       over 50 pages 2 IFLA vouchers

General business rules:

  • The time limit for the use of the material borrowed to other libraries is of 4 weeks if it is about photocopies and electronic documents whose return is not required.
  • The library that lended the material is responsible for its return in due time and for the eventual compensation of damage or loss expenses.
  • The Library of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences keeps the right to deny the loan to another library of the requested material. 
  • The service is charged according to the price list of the Library available on the web site: The payment of the service for foreign libraries is based on IFLA vouchers.